Class Schedule for Easter holidays

Hi Everyone!

The centre will be open as usual through the Easter school holidays (April 14th – April 27th 2014) with just a few changes:

Monday 14th April 18H NO CLASS;  19H45 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Thursday 17th April 12noon Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Friday 18th April 9H30 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Saturday 19th April 10H30 Dynamic Yoga Method with Louisa

Monday 21st April 18H NO CLASS; 19H45 Hatha Yoga with Dinusha (replacing Louisa)

Thursday 24th April 12noon Hatha Yoga with Dinusha (replacing Louisa)

Friday 25th April 9H30 Vinyasa Yoga with Miranda (replacing Louisa)

Saturday 26th April 10H30 Vinyasa Yoga with Miranda (replacing Louisa).

Have a wonderful Easter and stay tuned for upcoming events at the centre!

Laissez votre adresse e-mail ici, et vous recevrez un fichier PDF mes 10 astuces bien-être à Paris. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas partagé, et ceci n’est pas une inscription au blog (cliquez sur « subscription » pour ça !).

